Tailored for those riding or running The Old Ghost Road over 2 days / 1 night​
We offer friendly, reliable transport services for hikers, bikers and runners at competitive rates to and from either end of The Old Ghost Road ex Westport.
If you are tramping, biking or running the Old Ghost Road solo or our vehicle relocation service is not for you, then we recommend traversing the trail starting from the Seddonville end (northern end) of the trail and finishing at Lyell Campground (southern end).
For those contemplating this option we offer a regular service departing Westport at 11.00am arriving Seddonville at approximately 12.00pm. We can then collect you from Lyell at 2.00pm upon completion of your trip and transport you back to Westport arriving at approxiamately 3.00pm. (This service is available to be booked for travel between 1st of October and 30th of April).​​​